I know i’m supposed to be studying and like to be on a hiatus or smth, but I fell in love with this malay song.
It’s quite an old song, but it’s damn bubbly and meaningful I feel (:
So i decided to dig deep down my malay side and translate it for all the readers out there, I’m trying
my very best to translate! (:

Cinta-Amy Mastura

Jika ditanya tentang cinta
Macam macamlah jawapannya
Ada cinta yang bawa ceria
Ada cinta sanggup merana

If asked about love,
There’s so many answers to it
Some love brings happiness
Some love bring sufferrings

Sanggup berkorban apa saja
Hilang kawan
Hilang keluarga
Lebih baik cinta pada yang esa

Willing to sacrifice almost anything
Losing of Friends
Losing of Families
It’s so much better to love the one you truly love

Hidup ini penuh pancaroba
Kiri kanan masalah saja
Janganlah derita kerna cinta
Kerana cinta bahagia

This life is full of disorders
Everywhere is just ful of problems
Don’t suffer just because of love
Because love is happiness

Kalau benar cinta itu buta
Siapakah jadi mangsanya
Kalau cinta itu cinta setia
Nangis ketawa sama “hahaha”

If love is realy blind
Then who is Love’s victim?
If love is loyal
Whether you cry or laugh it’s still the same “ha ha ha”

Kalau kita boleh beli cinta
Berapa pula harganya
Alangkah indah kita dicinta
Kerna hidup kita lebih bahagia

If we can buy love
How much would it cost?
How beautiful it is if we are loved
Because our life would be much more joyful

Adakah cinta itu membawa derita atau bahagia?