You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2009.

Anorexia Nervosa.
Am I?


For people with anorexia, it really is true that one can never be too thin. Despite being dangerously underweight, anorexics see a fat person when they look in the mirror. What they don’t see is the tremendous physical and emotional damage that self-starvation inflicts, so they continue to diet, fast, purge, and over-exercise.

While people with anorexia often deny having a problem, the truth is that anorexia is a serious and potentially deadly eating disorder. Fortunately, recovery is possible. With proper treatment and support, you or someone you care about can break anorexia’s self-destructive pattern and regain your health and happiness.

Signs and symptoms of anorexia

People with anorexia often hide their condition, so the warning signs are not always easy to spot. Furthermore, anorexics will typically try to explain away their disordered eating behaviors when confronted. But as anorexia progresses, the signs and symptoms become increasingly obvious and difficult to deny.

Eating and food behavior signs and symptoms

  • Dieting despite being thin – Follows a severely restricted diet. Eats only certain low-calorie foods. Bans “bad” foods such as carbohydrates and fats.
  • Obsession with calories, fat grams, and nutrition – Reads food labels, measures and weighs portions, keeps a food diary, reads diet books.
  • Pretending to eat or lying about eating – Hides, plays with, or throws away food to avoid eating. Makes excuses to get out of meals (“I had a huge lunch” or “My stomach isn’t feeling good.”).
  • Preoccupation with food – Eats very little, but constantly thinks about food. May cook for others, collect recipes, read food magazines, or make meal plans.
  • Strange or secretive food rituals – Often refuses to eat around others or in public places. May eat in rigid, ritualistic ways (e.g. cutting food “just so”, chewing food and spitting it out, using a specific plate).

Appearance and body image signs and symptoms

  • Dramatic weight loss – Rapid, drastic weight loss with no medical cause.
  • Feeling fat, despite being underweight – May complain about being overweight in general or just “too fat” in certain places such as the stomach, hips, or thighs.
  • Fixation on body image – Obsessed with weight, body shape, or clothing size. Frequent weigh-ins and concern over tiny fluctuations in weight.
  • Harshly critical of appearance – Spends a lot of time in front of the mirror checking for flaws. There’s always something to criticize. They’re never thin enough.
  • Denies being too thin – Refuses to believe that his or her low body weight is a problem, but may try to conceal it (drinking a lot of water before being weighed, wearing baggy or oversized clothes).

It’s quite scary, when i’m reading thru this…

I need my friends to bring me out from this vicious “disease”

Anorexic? Maybe.

That video is done. and i have to say, it’s AWESOMME! 😀

I saw. I laughed. It still amuses me.



Aye aye shar, getting bitchier by the second,

I’m gonna finish my UPE(urban planning project) by tomorrow, I SWEAR!

Enough procrastinating shar!

I did the one on facebook, but i saw Odelia’s blog just now. I know it’s two days due, so since i’m bored, might as well do it right? 😀

Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 17 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 17 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you. =] Have fun!

One) I’m on a weight loss regime=starving myself

two) I am rotting at home.
three) I think i have an eating disorder :/

four) Is gonna work as a librarian during the holidays

five) He is feeling bored now.

six) Loves to stone

seven) Feels slutty at times

eight) Don’t really like clubbing

nine) Talks to himself when he is depressed

ten) Currently penniless

eleven) Loves ambassadors

twelve) Loves Choir

thirteen) Loves his Violin

fourteen) Loves his Viola

fifteen) Has big dreams

sixteen) Is aiming for university of Queensland to major in marketing

Seventeen) Wants to be filthy rich in the future :DDDD

Tag: Brian, Gladys, Krysh

Believe it or not, the annual eclipse took place like today, from 4.30 to 6.30 pm!  As usual I am oblivious about the eclipse (nothing new about that) I’m practically oblivious about everything, well I’m not sure whether you are , but I am.(That’s for sure)

Anyways thanks to Miranda Zhang, she managed to get a picture of the eclipse with her anti-UV window. Quite shocked that such cool stuff like an eclipse can be seen in Singapore itself(with proper equipments, or you’ll get blind which btw i nearly did)

Talked to Sarah Nat today, and found out we both had some similarities especially in the food department. We’re all quite screwed i guess but we’re putting such a beautiful facade to all :] Amazing i know. But still the love that we have for all our friends and each other are never plastic 🙂 That’s what i love.

Got totally like bored today, played my all time favourite online game “Insaniquarium”, been like years since I played that. I still remember how me and my sec sch classmate stayed back everyday to sit in the computer lab to play such stupid but fun online games. Don’t make me start listing, cuz it’ll be quite embarrasing for me. 


While you’re feeling from coconut to orange today, i shall be dragon fruit 😉
and so we’ve planned,

Loves to those who celebrates the Chinese New Year 🙂

Ps: Grow Fatter 🙂


Shar’s turning into a sloth 😦

Before i start,

I wanna say, CHEER UP Kryshelle :))

I am so tired 😦

Wanna sleep on time, but don’t feel like it! Grr.


My body is in disorder.

Can’t seem to sleep at the right time 😦

Can’t seem to get the proper three days a meal 😦

Eating very irregularly 😦

Shar has to fix this.

Just as i was about to leave my house to school, something caught my eye on the telly. It was hi-5! I swear  just stoned there and watched. Kinda unhappy with hi-5(childish i know) because catherine and tim are no longer inside, they are changed to some other weirdos 😦 

How i miss the old hi-5,
“imagine this, imagine you’re singing on a stage…”

Omg the awesomme songs, i swear it is awesome! 😀

Oh shut up, i know you’re secretly in love with hi-5 too!

Well i better be off to school before i’m late!

What’s funny?

Haha my classmates are 🙂
Finally the clique that I’m in are all joyful and all slacking together as one 😀
So with so much time on our hands, we decided to prank on each other, today was super hilarious!

So Idah, Huigeok and Diana went to toilet, leaving Jace and me behind. Well… with two guys behind, there’s bound to be mischievous  action going on. Thus we went out of the lecture hall, took stones(big ones i must say) and placed it deep into their bags. Childish i know, but you are really tired of school and the only way to relieve work stress- is to prank others! 

Lol of course we’ve placed things(a lot of things) into each other’s bag before
E.g. sweet wrappers, side mirror(from raziff’s motorbike), blotters and mainly rubbish (leaves etc…)

Gee, i guess when you’re really bored and you do stupid stuff, with your good friends 🙂

Watch out all, I’m gonna bring onions and chili one day 😛


So many things are occurring, though it’s not as bad as last time, i can still see it spinning like crazy. Sometimes i wish this semester ends like now, like without the exams and stuff. Then i could be free to hang out with friends and stuff. I know it’s impossible, i know i still have to face all the books and probably bingeing on them too. 

I just want to sit down and listen to nature, which i nearly achieve just now when i was bugged by weird feeling and sounds, so i freaked out and went home instead. Loserish i know. Oh well i just need to stay put together just for at least till the exams are over then I’ll be so happy.

I didn’t know my blog has like a fair amount of readers till like yesterday, and that keeps me going, like blogging on and on. Thanks all of you for your time 🙂

Things are flying past at a really fast pace, i swear if i don’t be in the moment, I’ll be outdated in no time.

An umbrella for all of us 🙂 

Love my real estate law lesson, i swear.
Mr Tan was like standing in horror in his “oh so wonderful” pose (hands in the air, spastic face) hilarious!!!

Well Year 2 is coming to an end soon, and all of us are turning into seniors, sounds really old, like senior citizens. Like Year 3, arghh so old…

Found my love for eleanor(my violin) again, well let’s just say i found back my motivation, and it’s not NPS but it’s the people inside-my students 🙂 make me proud will you? 🙂

What happened to you?

Heads into projects again,

Shar used to be FAT.

Yes FAT.

As in really chubby fat. Evidence?


Taken in Hong Kong in early April 🙂
Shar  what happened to you!? Why so freaking chubbily fat!?!?
So chubby wubby 😦
Think my weight then was 79kg? 
Fugging fat i know. 

6camyn9nycah3gmxtca0u84v0caiwn45zca47xqrnca5q90ujca70t2s7ca5hhw6tcaw7dm8rcab5dz07ca9j0m1ucaeihb2lcavorz5ncabp2fn7caa28s2ecawe8l97cam6ahi2caxhqofzcadnvnji Slight weight loss after coming back from Hong Kong,
taken right after marketing presentation.
I think my weight then was 76KG? 



This was taken after violin family concert
Look so much slimmer 😉
Think my weight was 70KG? 
In december 🙂 

n666041362_1759834_1074Taken during intermission of Singapore Poly Concert, 11th January 🙂
I think my weight was just like 69KG?
So much more slimmer than last time in 2008 😀 

But after falling sick i lost like 3 more KGs, so i’m like 66 now 😦
Which is good but i lost it due to stupid fever.


Well 6 more KG to fulfill my New Year’s Resolution!

60KG :D:D

Work it!

I kind of realized that my blog posts are quite short, as in really really short.
It’s not that i don’t have things to write or something, it’s more like i don’t want to elaborate so much about it. Meaning i don’t really want to blog about it, but it’s just an indication that shit happened on that particular date.

I feel that when I have a blog, i don’t need to feed the readers out there with what they want. What they want to hear or just plainly pleasing them, I mean like by then it wouldn’t be “my” blog. It would be a blog to feed you. Thanks to Henry who told me about this, which is really true. 

I don’t care whether my blog is sexciting or hilarious or whatsoever. I don’t need to fill my blog in with whatever that excites you. What do I care, It’s my blog that I’m talking about. Heck the controversial topics that i see on almost every blog that i head to, it gets almost boring after a while. 

F.Y.I i don’t like to see blog writers who tries to write a good story but it just turns out to be pretty bad. Unless i specifically told you that you are gifted in writing e.g. Kryshelle 🙂

Everybody is falling sick these few days, coughing, sneezing and feeling feverish. Well I’m one of them. It sucks, though it made me lose 3 KGs which is the ONLY plus point. 

Kryshelle is like having chicken pox at the most wrong timing in her life 😦 I hope she gets well soon 🙂

Brushing you away,

Turn it around and run into the forest, just like Ayla.

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Buckle up people, Shar is back with a BANG 🙂

It keeps getting better,

Move away, because I’m here to make it happen.

A shoulder to cry on…


Yeah, Maybe I’ve changed. Not.
Study hard shar and prove it to them.

Today is the final day of open house, and I really have Ambassadors closer to my heart 🙂
It was really great and most definitely tiring(really it was). I have no regrets :]

Generally a happy day and of course exhausted now.

Tomorrow would actually be Singapore Polytechnic Strings Ensemble Performance at NAFA Lee Foundations! Gahh I’ve not really practiced yet, so i hope that my sight reading rocks tomorrow 🙂 

We’ll take things slowly,

Zooom. It did zooom.

It just went away.

I swear i am brain dead now.
Disappointed too.

I don’t know. It just died. It isn’t as strong. It isn’t there. It just died.

It, is my passion.


n730934131_1287875_283Like this pic 🙂

Yes it is. Because it’s going to be open house on 8, 9 and 10th and concert on 11th. I swear I’m going to go crazy.

P.S: I had a sight reading marathon at SP Strings just now. Nearly died.


Cheer up both of you 🙂
Please don’t emo momo 😦 must be happy 😀

i have good memory, i know 🙂

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Krysh.              .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:


Krysh.              .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:


Krysh.              .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:

like 10 min

Krysh.              .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:


Krysh.              .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:

i so dunno how to work photoshop

Krysh.              .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:


Shar Leivan; says:


Shar Leivan; says:

You’re so blond i swear

I swear it’s lame! Okay i’m gonna post up more msn convos up 😛

Atasly Dumb

School is starting, i swear i am sexcited but equally lethargic as well.

It’s like omg school!


Urgh school…

Kryshelle was like

Krysh. .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:

updated my blog

Krysh. .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:

finally hahha


So being the excited me, i went off to read… Condoms. I swear it’s about condoms! Hehe it’s about beautifully packaged condoms, it’s hillarious! You ought to read it yourself, i swear!

Krysh. .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:

but dont u think thats like SOOOO mind bogging?

Krysh. .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:


Krysh. .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:


Shar Leivan; says:

I’m a guy

Shar Leivan; says:



Krysh. .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:


Shar Leivan; says:

in a box or in a chest it’s stil a condom

Krysh. .wants to smile and be happy for herself says:

omg this is FUNNY

I swear, condoms are still condoms no matter where they are! Heheh truth is kryshelle, you should so be a writter!


Anyways, I wore BROWN the other day BROWN 😀

Oh well, back to school…

Sheesh, i can’t post it here :/ Anyways I’m addicted to that discovery channel ad 😛

I love the mountains
I love the clear blue skies
I love big bridges
I love when great whites fly
I love the whole world [Les Stroud]
And all its sights and sounds
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
I love the oceans
I love real dirty things [Mike Rowe]
I love to go fast
I love Egyptian kings
I love the whole world
And all its craziness
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da [Richard Machowicz]
I love tornadoes [Joshua Wurman]
I love arachnids [Bear Grylls]
I love hot magma
I love the giant squids
I love the whole world
It’s such a brilliant place
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da [Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage]
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da [Stephen Hawking]
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da


Well had a great day actually, thanks Brian for the surprise :]
You cheer me up yo! Boo-dee-ah-da!

Sister’s Scarf


I’m tired going round the bush.

I should just walk away and laugh about it…
I’m tired, tired of everything, and it’s like just 3rd of January…

I swear this one is getting onto me too


Had a sunny Sentosa Day :]
Love taking pictures, i swear 🙂

Sentosa in the morning, sheesh.

I swear my stomach still hates me :/

I was reading my old blog just now, and i came across this
Np StRinGs!!Its such a super nice CCA!!!I didn’t regret a single bit joining!!Cuz music is my life!!We recently learned how to play twinkle twinkle little star!!!And i can play it!!Woo Hooo!!I noeits jus a simple song,but hey,how many people in the world can actually play the violin and play it well???

Super cool,playing the violin is really a dream come true!!And damn hell im gonna practice it like everyday(once they allow us to bring it home) Im starting to realize that when you do something that u LOVE and have PASSION you don’t feel tired(maybe a bit) but its like we view it in a much more different kind of view/perspective!

Seriously music is what i love and certainly want to excel deeply in it!!XD “


and i just laughed.

The 1st of Jan, i knew someone better too  🙂

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That is him.


His Name is Shar.

His Blog.

His Thoughts.

Anger. Fear. Sorrow.

Joy. Love. Faith

Laughs. Screams. Cries.

He Listens.

He Observes.

He Writes.

He is not amused.

Well, maybe... it depends.


Amuse him.

January 2009